Paul Revere Lodge A.F. & A.M.
When Lucien B. Keith ascended the steps as the first officer to preside over Paul Revere Lodge A.F. & A.M. on Feb. 4, 1856, no one present could realize the small town known as North Bridgewater would eventually become Brockton, a city that would grow, prosper, and be witness to so many events over the past 150 years. Many of the pioneers that helped to create this city were Masons, most of which were members of Paul Revere Lodge.
Since its founding, Paul Revere Lodge has occupied four different locations to conduct business. Between 1856 and 1881, their quarters were in the Kingman Block; from 1881-1900, the Lodge met in the area known as City Block; from 1900-1962, they met on Center St., across from where the W.B. Mason building is now located; and, since 1962 to present, the Lodge has been on Prospect St., formerly known as the Hamilton Estate.
Paul Revere Lodge has been very fortunate to have men steadily join the Lodge throughout the years. Since our 125th anniversary in 1981, Paul Revere Lodge has seen 237 new members sign its by-laws.
In the past 25 years, members of Paul Revere Lodge, have served the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts to distinguish themselves and bring honor to the Lodge. Three have been appointed District Deputy Grand Master: Theodore H. Weide (1985-1986), Bruce K. Pratt, (1997-1998), and Richard O. Cusick (2007-2008). Paul Revere Lodge also had the honor of having Bro. Pratt elected as the Senior Grand Warden, the second highest elected office, in 2000. Raymond Allen joined him as his Grand Persuivant.
Paul Revere Lodge has had programs that have continued to flourish throughout the past 25 years such as the Red Cross Blood Drive Program, which is held six times per year on Prospect St. Through the work of many volunteers this program has grown and continued to be one of the top Masonic Blood Drives in the state. After the devastating Hurricane Katrina, our blood drive was able to collect 165 pints for the relief effort. Many of our donors have been coming to our drives for many years and still enjoy the full breakfasts and the chance to see some old friends.
Since 1970, Paul Revere Lodge along with the seven other Lodges, have been involved with the Brockton VA Hospital and their Chapel Services Program. Once every eight weeks each Lodge takes a turn escorting patients from their respective wards to services at the Hospital's Chapel between 11 am and noon.