The Entered Apprentice
Welcome Brother
The resources of this website are meant for you to explore and discuss with your Lodge Brothers, particularly your sponsor or Mentor. (If you do not know who is serving as your Mentor, ask the Worshipful Master or Secretary of your Lodge.) You may want to sit with your Mentor and go through the pages together.
Freemasonry is often described as "a peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols". Examining Masonry is not a solitary activity. While you can gain quite a bit from individual reading and examination, the Masonic Lodge is intended more as a "group sport", where we learn much more from interaction and working together. Do not hesitate to ask your Brothers to discuss what you are learning and discovering.
You should already be reading (and re-reading) the little blue-covered Claudy book on the Entered Apprentice degree that you were given in your Lodge. The resources on this website supplement Claudy's discussion.
The Northeast Corner
As a new Entered Apprentice (EA), you stand in the Northeast Corner. From this vantagepoint, there are three ways you can see in terms of the structure that is the Lodge:
West | ![]() |
East |
- From Whence Came You:
You can see toward the West, down the length of the Lodge, looking back along the path so far in your journey of discovery. Here, we can explore the symbols and meaning of the Entered Apprentice degree. - Across the East:
Looking southward, you can look across the East and discover what there is to learn about the nature of the Lodge and its leadership processes.
- Across the Oblong Square:
Or, you can look southwest, diagonally across the Lodge, to discover the elements of Masonic philosophy, Brotherhood, and the Fraternity of the Craft.
A Masonic degree is not a goal or objective; It is not an end. Rather, it is a portal, like the door of the Lodge upon which you knocked. Once you have stepped through that door for the first time, you discover that the doorway is a framed structure -- an organized entryway into a building that you can, and will, use many times. A Mason does not enter the door of the Entered Apprentice Lodge only once. He enters that door many, many times throughout a lifetime of Masonic learning. For, indeed, Freemasonry is lifelong education and discovery. There is a lot that you can learn and explore, now that you have taken your First Step.
BROTHER Entered Apprentice
Congratulations - you are now a Mason. After you repeated your obligation, the Worshipful Master said, "Brother, what do you now most desire?" Your answer was "light", which means the search for enlightenment - the pursuit of more knowledge. From that point in the ceremony, you are now considered a Brother.
Freemasonry affords many opportunities for each of us to grow as individuals and as contributing members of our society. To better understand and realize these opportunities, we need to gain more knowledge about Freemasonry. Let's review a few aspects and lessons of the Entered Apprentice Degree, the first step in your Masonic journey - some of the symbols presented in the degree and their meanings. You were asked three important questions before the degree work began. You were asked: Are you becoming a Mason willingly? Do you have a favorable opinion of Freemasonry and do you want to help others? Will you conform to our customs - our principles? Your affirmative answers to the three questions - to accept the tenets and principles of the Masonic Fraternity willingly, freely and for good reason - your expression of trust in God - and your conductor's expression of trust in you - told each Mason present that you are a good man who is worthy of becoming a Mason.
You were privileged to follow in the footsteps of every Masonic initiate who has preceded you. Every candidate begins his Masonic journey at the same door, without any jewelry or valuables, and dressed in a uniform - white in color to signify equality. It is the internal quality of a man - his character - that is important to Freemasons, not a candidate's worldly wealth, not his position in life or his religion, and not the color of his skin. Before your petition for membership was accepted by your lodge, you acknowledged your belief in a "Supreme Being", a prerequisite for becoming a Mason. With the conferral of the First Degree, you can better appreciate the paramount importance Masons place on our belief in deity, by whatever name He may be called within our respective religions.
You entered the lodge and proceeded directly to the altar to attest to his personal belief in God, as atheists or agnostics cannot become Masons. A passage from the Holy Scriptures, the 133rd Psalm, was read as you were presented to the senior officers of the lodge and each of you obligated yourselves in the "presence of almighty God" and with your hands holding and resting on the Holy Bible, Square and Compasses.
You learned that the Three Great Lights in Freemasonry are the Holy Bible, Square, and Compasses. The Holy Bible (or other book of religious beliefs, such as the Torah or Koran) is our Rule and Guide.
The Square is a symbol used to square our actions. You have heard it before- a square deal - a squared away sailor - fair and square.
The Compasses are a symbol to demonstrate that as Masons we need to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds with all mankind, more especially our Brothers in Freemasonry.
You were presented a lambskin or white leather apron. It is an emblem of innocence and the Badge of a Mason. In wearing the Apron, the Entered Apprentice signifies symbolically that he is striving for purity of life and conduct.
In what we term the "Rite of Destitution", the Worshipful Master asked you whether you had any "minerals or metals on or about him", that is, whether he had worldly wealth in his possession. The Master's question and your "NO" is to teach you that, as Entered Apprentices, we all enter into the Lodge as equals, without anything of value, and to teach you that you should contribute as liberally as you can to those in "destitute circumstances - without injury to yourself or family". You are becoming a member of an organization of men committed to helping one another in times of need and to achieve the "greatness within you".
The Entered Apprentice lessons of the rough and perfect ashlars should guide us in all aspects of our lives. They explain that in life and as Entered Apprentices, we begin in a crude and imperfect nature, representative of someone in his youth or infancy. By education, hard work and the belief in God, we can pursue inner peace and self-satisfaction and seek perfection. Our lives should be constantly guided by these three principles - education, hard work and seeking guidance from God.
You learned from the ritual that you were symbolically placed in the Northeast corner of the lodge because that is where operative Masons typically place the first stone - the cornerstone - of a building. The lessons of Freemasonry are like the stones of a building, designed to be laid one upon another to produce strength and shelter within our lives. In the Entered Apprentice Degree, we laid the first stones of Freemasonry, learning about "Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth", as well as "Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice". The second and third degrees will add more stones - more lessons important to our personal character and lives.
Symbols and Meaning of the EA Degree
In this section, we review the symbols that are part of the Entered Apprentice degree and explore their meaning.
Symbols are not only visual objects. As you probably discovered during your degree, but might not yet have realized, words can be powerful in identifying and communicating symbols; words can themselves be symbols; and, the presence of absence of things, once noted, can also be symbols. [Ch2012]
All the symbols and ceremonies of the First Degree aim to represent the fundamental principles in the building of character. One of the emphatic precepts of Masonic philosophy is that any human effort, aimed to accomplish a result, must be thought out in advance and rest on a firm foundation of experience. The first part of the ceremony is devoted to representing the candidate's attitude and his examination by the Lodge. [FIM2003]
Being Ready
An old adage says: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Masonry can make available moral knowledge that can refresh and envigorate the candidate wants to drink fron the well.
A Man is first prepared to be made a Mason in his Heart. One must be ready to learn and be willing to receive instruction.
Neither Naked nor Clothed
Character is independent of such considerations as wealth, position, or achievement. In the Lodge, all stand on the same level.
Neither Barefoot nor Shod
Sincere desire to cooperate with the Lodge. In the East men even today do not shake hands to symbolize an agreement. One takes off his shoe and presents it to the other. The candidate gives one of his shoes to the Lodge to testify his good faith and willingness to be taught.
The candidate's admission that he is "in the dark" and wishes to be enlightened; in other words, that he will proceed with an open mind, unprejudiced and free of dogmatic opinion.
Deprived of Mineral or Metal
Individual wealth or special ability counts for nothing in the building of character; nor does either take the place of character. Even with these advantages man is always dependent on his fellows.
Symbolic that the candidate is bound to and dependent upon the Lodge (i.e., to the brethren 'and so to the rest of mankind), as an infant is bound to the mother by the life cord. It also symbolizes dependency of the individual on God. The origin of the word "Cable- Tow" is not clearly known. There are several explanations, all conjectural. It comes down to us from the earliest operative masons.
Taken by the Right Hand
Willingness to be guided without apprehension.
Three Knocks
Representing the inquiring mind of the candidate; he asks for information and instruction.
Adapted from [LP1999]
The Examination at the Door
Symbolizes the caution and care of the Lodge that none enter unless he is ready, willing, and anxious to hear, and disposed to learn and work in cooperation with th.e Craft.
The cardinal importance of secrecy in the Masonic sense.
The primal conception that the Lodge operates under direction and by order of the Supreme Architect of the Universe.
Declaration of Candidate
The candidate's acceptance of the same principle.
The candidate proceeds from the West to the East, that is, away from darkness and toward the light. Also, he moves in the same direction as the sun, i.e., according to natural laws and the truth as gathered by human wisdom through the centuries.
The First Step
All progress in knowledge is by steps. There is no royal road to learning. This truth is in everyone's mouth, but all too frequently ignored in practice.
The Oblong Square
The Entered Apprentice's work is good work, but not finished work. Thus, he makes an oblong ..(i.e., imperfect) square.
Erect Toward the Worshipful Master
Progress toward knowledge with uprightness.
The Obligation
After the candidate has taken the obligation he is for the first time addressed as "Brother." His examination is now over and he is admitted to light. Obligation is a tie. It is not primarily a promise or an oath.
Three Great Lights
Represent the leading principles of the Masonic philosophy:
- a. That there is an Architect whose eye is All-Seeing and who gives directions to the Craft (symbolized by the Sacred Book);
- b. That man's conscience and will are given him to enable him to know and obey these directions (symbolized by the Compasses); and,
- c. That the Architect's directions are to be upright and just (symbolized by the Square).
All that Masonry stands for is summed up in these symbols. Hence, they are called the Three Great Lights.
There are other explanations of these symbols, although expressive of the same general idea. Thus, the Compasses are said to represent the Craft, and the Square the Master. In other words, the Craft by use of self-control and by following the voice of conscience produce the square work which is the Master's objective and also the objective of the Architect. It is also said that the Square stands for man's intellect and morality, and the Compasses for the world.
Three Lesser Lights
Man has need of two divergent qualities of character. He must have energy and initiative; he must also be tactful, resourceful, and adaptive. If he cannot break through an obstacle, he must go around it. The idea symbolized by the Three Lesser Lights is that he should combine these divergent qualities in carrying out the orders of the Supreme Architect.
The Sun, from ancient times, has always been a symbol of the masculine quality, energy and force; the Moon, of the feminine quality, adaptability and tact. To be energetic at the right time, and to compromise at the right time is to be a Master. (Hence: Sun, Moon, and Master)
The idea of combining these divergent forces to make a successful result is symbolized by the placing of lights in the form of a triangle. In many Lodges the Lights, instead of being on the stations, are grouped around the Altar, and this latter arrangement seems more graphic than our practice. In former times, when candles were employed for illumination, these Three Lights were represented by three candlesticks placed in a triangular position beside the Altar.
The Word
An Apprentice's work is primarily rough and foundational. The object of a foundation is to give strength to the structure, or achievement. Hence, the Word in this degree.
Manner of Communication
This is a survival from the old operative ritual, a practical device to preserve the secrecy of the Craft.
Due-Guard (or "Dieu garde") and Sign
"Dieu garde", literally translated, means "God guard me."
The symbols represent the Apprentice's first rough hewing in building character, the Four Cardinal Virtues. Without the observance of these virtues there is no character. By giving the DG and S the candidate is saying: "I strive to be temperate, brave, prudent, and just; and I do so sincerely, remembering my obligation."
The Apron
The Apron was not only a practical article used by operative masons in their work; it has also been from earliest times a kind of badge or decoration. Priests wore aprons. Thus the symbolic significance of the Apprentice donning an Apron is not that he is pure but that he is working to be pure.
Lap Turned Up
Probably is derived from operative custom, where different classes of workmen wore their aprons in distinct ways, both to distinguish their rank and to best fit the kind of work they performed. Being barers of burdens, apprentices often wore their aprons in a way that afforded the most protection to their cloths from the dirt and grime indeidental to their labors. Though, some consider it merely a convenient method of distinguishing apprentices from other workmen.
The Rite of Destitution
The dependence of mankind on one another is often overlooked in practical life. "It's along lane that has no turning." Whether we like it or not this is as much a condition of our existence as that we must breathe air. Masonic philosophy is practical; it bids us use common sense and work with facts. Note the limitation "without injury to self or family." Here again Masonry is practical. "Charity begins at home."
Northeast Corner
The first stone is placed at the Northeast Corner because that is the beginning, the line where darkness (North) ends, and light (East) begins. This custom is as old as mankind. Note that the ceremony symbolizes a beginning not only for the candidate but also for the Lodge. Each Entered Apprentice renews the life of the Lodge; it is beginning again.
Working Tools
These tools are simple and elementary. The first operations of construction are (a) measurement (planning, laying out) and (b) rough-hewing or shaping.
The lectures although they seem to explain the ritual, are couched in symbolical expressions which in turn require explanation. The real meaning is frequently deeper than appears on the surface.
You should talk with experienced Brothers, such as you Mentor, and review the EA Degree lectures. Candidates are sometimes not in a frame of mind at the time of initiation to understand the lectures. (Many actually do not hear them at all.) They are well worth your study.
No Sound of Axe, Hammer, or Metal
The Temple of character is built silently. It is a combination of traits and habits, each of which has been developed and acquired by painstaking effort. Character never puts on a parade. "What you are speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say," said Emerson. Character is seen, not heard.
The Lodge
The Lodge symbolizes the whole world. The northern part is a "place of darkness" in that it represents that section of mankind that has not yet awakened to the Masonic philosophy of universal work and brotherhood. This dark world lies close to the fraternity. It touches it but is not of it. Above it is the Celestial Lodge to be reached not by mere Faith or Hope, although these are aids to attaining it, but by Charity, i.e., humility, plain-dea1ing, sportsmanship. Note that Charity is not mere alms-giving. See amplification of this idea in the Second Degree.
The Masonic world has a Mosaic Pavement, that is, contains good and evil, for all Masons are not good Masons; although it is surrounded by the Indented Tessel (happiness is attainable, if , the Architect's rules of conduct are observed), and in its center is the Blazing Star (i.e., the Architect), the Supreme Leader and Guide of the fraternity.
It is supported on Three Great Pillars; its great principles of operation are wise planning, sound thorough work, hannony, and grace; i.e., Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty. These are the Master and Wardens of human life and conduct.
The six jewels represent subordinate ideas in development of character. The brethren are chiseling away the crude and superfluous in their lives, seeking to become perfect. Hence the Rough and Perfect Ashlars.
The conception, the Building of the Temple, previously explained, is eloquently expressed by the reference to the use of the Trestle-Board. "The great books of Nature and Revelation are our spiritual, moral, and Masonic Trestle-Board."
Lodges Should be Situated Due East and West
This means that the fraternity should ever look toward the East; that is, seek enlightenment.
The Point Within a Circle
This is a symbol of great antiquity and is difficult to explain in precise terms. It represents in general the unity of the individual and the Lodge. The individual (point) surrounded by the brethren (Circle) operate within the precepts laid down by the Architect (Holy Book) under the patronage of St. John the Baptist (the crusader or refonner) and St. John the Evangelist (the philosopher or thinker).
The Four Cardinal Virtues
Self-control, courage, practical common sense, and square dealing are the landmarks of character.
Chalk, Charcoal, and Clay
The qualities of an Apprentice or learner are here represented. He should be open to instruction and suggestion. The slightest touch of advice or information should leave its trace on him (Chalk). He should be zealous and enthusiastic, and keep his interest glowing (Charcoal). He should be available, capable ofbeing molded (Clay). The corresponding words of the ritual are freedom, fervency, and zeal.
In Operative Masonry, the young beginner was called an Apprentice; when he had served as such a sufficient time to give evidence of his fitness his name was entered on the books of the Lodge, and he was called an Entered Apprentice. So the Speculative Mason, after he has been found worthy for initiation and has sincerely assented to the preliminary questions, becomes an Entered Apprentice. [LP1999]
This degree is symbolical of the days of our youth, but it also represents the ideal conduct of man in every stage of life. For no matter how skilled he may become in one or another line of endeavor, he should never rest content with what he has accomplished, but always be an apprentice at something. The true Mason never ceases to work and learn so long as his health and strength hold out. [LP1999]
On Symbolism
The outstanding characteristic of Masonic ritual is its use of symbolism. Everything that is said and done in the ceremonies is symbolic of ideas in Masonic philosophy.
Literally, a symbol is a comparison. The word "symbol" is derived from two Greek words meaning to throw together, to place side by side. We have no other way to express i6eas than by use of symbols. Words themselves are only symbols. When we say a man is "lion-hearted", we use symbolism. In ordinary usage, however, by symbol we mean an object which suggests or stands for an idea. The Flag is a symbol of our Country; the Cross is a symbol of Christianity. But ceremonies and actions may also be symbolic. The military salute is a symbol of obedience and discipline.
It may be asked why Masonic ritual should be composed so largely of objective and ceremonial symbols; why it would not be simpler to give lectures. It is because it is not enough merely to state ideas -they must be visually explained.
Symbols are more vivid than words. Symbols can express more than words can say. Who can explain a flower, or say what a melody means? Symbols are more impressive than words. The person seeing the symbol has his own interpretation. The thought then is his own. He has done more than see the symbol -he has created an idea. A man holds to his own ideas, and remembers them. Lastly, a symbol can express in a flash a whole series of ideas; it does the work of many speeches. The explanations of the symbols given in these lectures are but suggestions or starting points.
Article: The Point Within A Circle
"by Wor. & Rabbi Irving L. Luchans, Grand Chaplain
in Trowel magazine, Spring 2013
The Lambskin Apron
The Apron is an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason. By innocence is meant clean thinking and clean living, a loyal obedience to the laws of the Craft and sincere good will toward one's Brethren. The Badge of a Mason signifies, among other things, that Masons are workers and builders.
Other aspects of this most visible vesture of our Fraternity should be mentioned. The apron, as a mark of distinction, has been found in many similar organizations of initiatory nature including the Essenes, and the Mythraic Mysteries, and has been conspicuous on statues of some Egyptian and Greek deities. The lamb has always been a symbol of innocence and sacrifice. There are two senses in which innocence is being used here. Innocence in one sense is free from moral defect. The other sense used is that of being new born.
Another consideration of the white lambskin apron is that the Sign of the Ram begins at the Spring Equinox - the time of year that life is renewed.
The Masonic Apron is made up of two parts: a square and a triangle, representing four and three respectively. The symbolism of these numbers, as well as their sum, should be studied in connection with the form of the apron in the different degrees. Finally, it should be mentioned that the word 'candidate' comes from the Latin candidatus which means, "clothed in white". The Apron is at once the emblem of purity and the badge of a Mason. By purity is meant blamelessness, a loyal obedience to the laws of the Craft and sincere goodwill to the Brethren; the badge of a Mason signifies that Masons are workers and builders, not drones and destructionists.
The 133rd Psalm
KJV translation (1611):
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
for brethren to dwell together in unity!
"It is like the precious ointment upon the head,
that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard,
that went down to the skirts of his garments;
"As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that
descended upon the mountains of Zion:
for there the Lord commanded the blessing,
even life forever more."