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Masonic Inspiration

Masonic Inspiration

The origins of many of these inspiration stories are unknown.

Three Stonecutters

One day a traveler, walking along a lane, came across 3 stonecutters working in a quarry.  Each was busy cutting a block of stone.  Interested to find out what they were working on, he asked the first stonecutter what he was doing.
"I am cutting a stone!"
Still no wiser, the traveler turned to the second stonecutter and asked him what he was doing.
"I am cutting this block of stone to make sure that it is square, and its dimensions are uniform, so that it will fit exactly in its place in a wall."
A bit closer but still unclear, the traveler turned to the third stonecutter.  He seemed to be the happiest of the three and when asked what he was doing replied:
"I am building a cathedral."
This story illustrates a key leadership quality - seeing the bigger picture.  All three stonecutters were doing the same thing, but each gave a very different answer.
What was it that set the third stonecutter apart?
- Knowing not just how and what to do, but knowing why.
- Viewing the whole and not just its parts.
- Seeing a vision, a sense of the bigger picture.
- Having the ability to see significance in work, beyond the obvious.
- Understanding that a legacy will live on, whether in the stone of a cathedral, or in the impact made on other people.

Author Unknown

The Loan

A young man passed a pawnbroker's shop. The money lender was standing in front of his shop, and the young man noted that he was wearing a large and beautiful Masonic emblem. After going on a whole block, apparently lost in thought, the young man turned back, stepped up to the pawnbroker, and addressed him:

"I see you're wearing a Masonic emblem. I'm a Freemason too. It happens that I'm desperately in need of $25 just now. I shall be able to repay it within ten days. You don't know me; but I wonder whether the fact that you are a Freemason and that I am a Freemason is sufficient to induce you to lend me the money on my personal note?"

The pawnbroker mentally appraised the young man, who was clean-cut, neat and well-dressed. After a moments thought, he agreed to make the loan on the strength of the young man being a Freemason. Within a few days the young man repaid the loan as agreed and that ended the transaction.

About four months later the young man was in a Lodge receiving the Entered Apprentice Degree; he had not really been a Mason when he borrowed the $25. After he had been admitted for the second section of the degree, the young man looked across the Lodge room and saw the pawnbroker from whom he had borrowed the $25. His face turned crimson and he became nervous and jittery. He wondered whether he had been recognized by the pawnbroker. Apparently not, so he planned at the first opportunity to leave the Lodge room and avoid his benefactor. As soon as the Lodge was closed he moved quickly for the door, but the pawnbroker had recognized the young man, headed him off and, to the young man's astonishment, approached him and greeted him with a smile and outstretched hand.

"Well, I see you weren't a Freemason after all when you borrowed that $25," the pawnbroker commented.

The blood rushed to the young man's face as he stammered, "No, I wasn't, but I wish you'd let me explain. I had always heard that Freemasons were charitable and ready to aid a Brother in distress. When I passed your shop that day I didn't need that $25. I had plenty of money in my wallet, but when I saw the Masonic emblem you were wearing, I decided to find out whether the things I'd heard about Freemasonry were true.

You let me have the money on the strength of my being a Freemason, so I concluded that what I had heard about Masons was true, that they are charitable, that they do aid Brethren in distress. That made such a deep impression on me that I presented my petition to this Lodge and here I am. I trust that with this explanation you will forgive me for having lied to you."

The pawnbroker responded, "Don't let that worry you too much. I wasn't a Freemason when I let you have the money. I had no business wearing the Masonic emblem you saw. Another man had just borrowed some money on it, and it was so pretty that I put it on my lapel for a few minutes. I took it off the moment you left. I didn't want anyone else borrowing money on the strength of my being a Freemason. When you asked for that $25, I remembered what I had heard about Masons, that they were honest, upright, and cared for their obligations promptly. It seemed to me that $25 wouldn't be too much to lose to learn if what I'd heard was really true, so I lent you the money and you repaid it exactly as you said you would. That convinced me that what I'd heard about Masons was true so I presented my petition to this Lodge. I was the candidate just ahead of you.

Author Unknown
(source: Ann Arbor Masonic News, Michigan, July 2007)

Two Masons

His name is John. He has wild hair, wears a t-shirt with holes in it, jeans and no shoes. This was literally his wardrobe for his entire four years of college. He was the top of his class. Kind of esoteric and very, very bright. He became a Mason recently while attending college.

After moving to a new town, he finds that down the street from his new apartment is a well-dressed, very conservative Lodge. One day John decides to go there after work. He walks in with shoes, jeans, his work shirt, and long hair. The Lodge has already started and so John starts looking for a seat.

The Lodge is completely packed and he can't find a seat. By now the Brethren are really looking a bit uncomfortable, but no one says anything. John gets closer and closer to the East and, when he realizes there are no seats, he sits down right on the carpet. (Although perfectly acceptable behavior at a college fraternity, trust me, this had never happened in this Lodge before!) By now the Brethren are really uptight, and the tension in the air is thick. About this time, the Secretary realizes that from way at the back of the Lodge, a Past Master is slowly making his way toward John.

Now the Past Master is in his eighties, has silver-gray hair, and a three-piece suit. A good man, very elegant, very dignified, and very courtly. He walks with a cane and, as he starts walking toward this boy, everyone is saying to themselves that you can't blame him for what he's going to do. How can you expect a man of his age and of his background to understand some college kid in the Lodge? It takes a long time for the man to reach the boy.

The Lodge is utterly silent except for the clicking of the man's cane. All eyes are focused on him. You can't even hear anyone breathing. The Secretary can't even continue with the "Minutes" until the Past Master does what he has to do. And now the Lodge watches as this elderly man drops his cane on the floor. With great difficulty, he lowers himself and sits down next to John and welcomes him so he won't be alone.

When the Secretary gains control, he says, "What I'm about to say, you will never remember. What you have just seen, you will never forget."

Author Unknown

A Silent Summons

A member of a certain Lodge, who previously attended meetings regularly, stopped going. After a few months, the Worshipful Master decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening, and the Worshipful Master found his brother at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for the Worshipful Master's visit, the brother welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited. The Worshipful Master made himself comfortable, but said nothing.

... In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After several minutes, the Worshipful Master took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth, all alone. Then he sat back in his chair, still silent.

His host watched all of this in quiet contemplation. As the one, lone ember's flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow, and its fire was no more. Soon, it was cold and dead.

Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. The Worshipful Master glanced at his watch and chose this time to leave. He slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead ember, and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately, it began to glow once more, with all the light and warmth of the burning coals around it.

As the Worshipful Master reached the door to leave, his host said, with a tear running down his cheek, "Thank you so much for your fiery summons, my brother. I'll be back in our Lodge next meeting."

Author Unknown

Magic in Five Words

This story is told by Bro. William "Doc" Wood
of Arlington Lodge #309, Jacksonville, Florida:

Eddie was a young Viet Nam war veteran, one of ten siblings from a noble Illinois family of Irish ancestry.  After four years in the Navy, Eddie joined several of his friends from Illinois to enter college in Tampa, where he met my daughter Debbie, who was a student at the University of South Florida.  Soon after graduation, Debbie came home and asked if it would be all right to invite her new boyfriend to Jacksonville to meet our family.  We were delighted to meet him but somewhat taken aback when this long-haired, rather disheveled chap pulled into our driveway.  This was back in the times that young people were "asserting themselves" and marching to a different beat from the previous generation.

When the weekend was over and time for Eddie to return to Tampa, we cordially bade him goodbye and watched him drive off in the sports car, a classy little roadster, that he had borrowed from one of his schoolmates.  Little did we know that we would hear from him soon after his departure.  But when my phone rang with a collect call just hours later, it was Eddie.  He had not heard of the stringent speed limits enforced by the police in the Alachua County community of Waldo.  He was calling from the jail! He asked for me to get on the phone because he needed help and had no idea where else to turn.  The deputy sheriff had put him into a cell and told him he could make but one phone call.  Eddie said, "Doc, I'm embarrassed to have to request such a favor, but this policeman will not let me out of here until I come up with $35 cash for the fine." The poor fellow barely had gas money and even if he had a checking account it would be to no avail.  His friends from school had left for their vacation and could be of no help.  And his family was 1,000 miles away in Illinois.

Although I was ready for bed, it seemed apparent that I was going to have to drive to Waldo to pay the fine.  In desperation, however, I asked Eddie to put his jailor on the phone.  When his gruff voice came on I said, "Sheriff, I know about as little of that young man as you do, but I feel obligated to help him if I possibly can.  I really hate to think that I'll have to change from my pajamas and drive sixty miles to bail him out.  But if you will take my word that I will not wrong, cheat, nor defraud you out of that $35, I promise that I'll have my check to you in tomorrow's mail."

Eddie still marvels at the deputy's change of attitude after my phone conversation.  With a handshake and pat on the back, he was cordially escorted to the car, to the gas station, and to the highway home. 

It was several years later that Ed became a Master Mason, sometime after becoming my son-in-law.  It was only then that he realized why this unyielding lawman suddenly became the benevolent friend of a person whom he had never met.  I had taken a chance that the deputy might be a Brother Mason.  If so, he would know that the words I said to him would assure my honesty.  There are words far more magical than "abracadabra"!

A Masonic Christmas Tale

"Tis the season for a tale...and a lesson."

Past Master Vicar trudged through the snow on his way to Lodge. It was December now and Christmas was just around the corner. The first snow flurries had come early in 1950; trick or treaters were the first to taste snowflakes. November saw a few subsequent snow flurries, but it wasn't until the day after Thanksgiving that the first heavy snow fell. This was followed by two more weeks of snow which clogged the streets and made driving difficult. So much so, Vicar decided to walk to Lodge instead of risking a drive through the icy streets and snow. He lived but a mile from the Lodge and the cold night air invigorated him. As Secretary of the Lodge for the last 17 years, he always arrived early to review paperwork prior to the meeting. But because of the snow, he came a little earlier to make sure the furnace was heating the Lodge properly. After he arrived, he hung his hat and coat in the cloak room and removed his rubber boots. He turned on the lights in the recreation hall and went down to the basement and shoveled some coal into the furnace. Vicar then went up to the kitchen where he started to brew a pot of coffee.

Even though the Harmony Lodge building was now one of the oldest structures in this modest Midwest community, the Craft made several enhancements over the years to help keep it current with the times. But the trademark of the Lodge was an old cast iron potbellied stove in the corner of the recreational hall which originated from the Lodge's first building back in the 1880's. Although it looked like a historical piece, the Lodge had dutifully maintained it and the stove worked remarkably well, particularly on cold winter nights, such as tonight. Vicar opened the grate on the stove and put in some ash and cherry which produced a comforting aroma in the room.

The Secretary's office was quite small. Actually, it was nothing more than a renovated closet which housed a small desk and file cabinets. Vicar rarely sat in the office as he found it confining. Instead, he would spread out his folders and do his paperwork on a table in the adjoining Rec Hall. He didn't mind the cramp quarters as this was still a small Lodge which could accommodate a maximum of 75 Brothers in the Rec Hall and the Lodge Room. Actually, the Lodge seemed cozy to Vicar as he poured himself a cup of coffee and waded through his paperwork.

He began by looking over the agenda for the Stated Communications to be held that evening. Scheduled was a 50 year service award for an old adversary, Forrest Stempl, a cranky old Brother who Vicar frequently butted heads with over the years. Vicar thought back to his younger days when he first became a Mason in 1924. At the time, Stempl had already been a Master and was generally considered a pillar of the Lodge. Vicar joined the Masons as he saw it had a positive influence on his father and grandfather. As a young Mason, he enjoyed Lodge life and reveled in the camaraderie. His enthusiasm was contagious and he signed many petitions for new members to join the Lodge. This did not go unnoticed by the Lodge officers of the day who saw Vicar as ambitious and influential. Consequently, he was appointed Senior Steward, thus beginning his rotation through the chairs. By 1929, Vicar sat in the East as Master, which was a bit premature due to the Lodge's Senior Warden who befell an accident and died, thereby catapulting Vicar through the chairs. Nonetheless, Vicar was prepared for the office and fulfilled his duties admirably.

Vicar was the office manager in the local hardware store/lumber yard and had a good sense of organization and the technology of the day. He was also an educated man who was lucky to have earned a scholarship and graduate with a business degree from the state university. He and his family lived well, but not opulently. Many of the officers he preceded, including Stempl, were not educated and worked as factory workers. This had no ill-effect on Vicar, other than a few Brothers, such as Stempl, were somewhat intimidated by Vicar for his education and station in life.

The hallmark of Vicar's year in the East was his ability to put the younger members of the Lodge to work, who helped clean up and modernize the Lodge. In October of 1929, the stock market crashed, forcing a lot of people out of work, including several Brothers. This also greatly affected Vicar's business, but he somehow found the wherewithal to establish a fund to help distressed Brothers as well as other members of the community. This fund slowly grew and eventually helped dozens of people over the next several years. But while Vicar's programs endeared him to the Craft and the community, his success was viewed jealously by Stempl as he saw his own authority in the Lodge challenged. Because of this, he tried to undermine Vicar in every new change he tried to introduce. The two were at loggerheads on more than one occasion. If Vicar said "White," Stempl would say "Black." He went out of his way to complicate Vicar's life just out of spite. Nonetheless, Vicar persevered and eventually Stempl was discredited and his role in the Lodge diminished. Eventually, he began to visit other nearby Lodges and infrequently attended his mother Lodge.

By the time the United States entered World War II, Vicar was already established as Lodge Secretary. However, he was too old for military service as were a lot of the members of the Craft. The younger members though readily enlisted thereby causing attendance at Lodge meetings to plummet. Nonetheless, the Masons kept the Lodge lights burning. Even though he couldn't serve in the military, Vicar helped organize Lodge programs to sell War Bonds, collect rubber, provide special meals for troops passing through his community, and offered assistance to families who lost sons during the war. To this end, Vicar carefully kept track of the finances for these charity programs in a separate cash book. Although Stempl didn't actively participate in such programs, he didn't object to them either. However, he kept a watchful eye on Vicar who was coordinating the programs.

When Stempl learned Vicar was maintaining the charity project finances in a cash book separate from the Lodge's own cash book, he seized on the opportunity and accused Vicar of unMasonic conduct by misappropriating funds for his own personal use. This led to Masonic charges being brought against Vicar in Lodge in an attempt to besmirch Vicar's character. Even though Stempl had no actual proof of any wrongdoing, he suspected Vicar of taking money for his own personal gain. This became very controversial among the members of the Lodge. On the one hand, Vicar was well liked and respected, and on the other, Stempl was still respected as a Past Master. The Lodge was confused as to which side to believe. As for Vicar, he was angered by Stempl's accusations and visibly shaken by the charges. Word spread around the district and state of the infraction and Vicar's Masonic record became tarnished.

Subsequently, Lodge members were summoned to listen to the charges. It was the most attended meeting of the year which included Lodge members, visitors, and the District Deputy Grand Master who witnessed the proceedings. One by one, the charges were read of Vicar's alleged improprieties. Vicar sat quietly but seethed as he suffered through this embarrassment. Finally, Vicar was allowed to speak and refute the charges. He produced the cash book and carefully explained how money was taken in and disbursed. He had even gone so far as to produce bank statements, receipts, and because this was being managed separate from Lodge finances, produced an audit report from an independent CPA who found the finances in good form and order.

Following Vicar's refutation of the charges, the floor was open for discussion. After hearing both the charges and Vicar refute them, one Brother asked why the Lodge had not done an independent investigation prior to the charges being made. The Master pointed out that charges can be leveled by another Mason at any time. This did not sit well with the Craft who overwhelmingly exonerated Vicar of any wrongdoing. After the meeting closed, Stempl exited the Lodge quickly. He may have lost in terms of having Vicar found guilty, but he knew he had forever left a blemish on Vicar's Masonic record. Consequently, Vicar was never again asked to serve on any district or state Masonic committees. Stempl took great joy in knowing this would be the outcome.

Vicar sat back at the table in the Rec Hall, lit his pipe, and put the agenda away. He didn't relish the thought of seeing Stempl again that evening after all of these years. After awhile, the Junior Warden and the Stewards arrived at the Lodge to prepare the meal for the evening. Vicar helped set the tables and then prepared the Lodge room for the meeting. Other Lodge Brothers slowly entered, put their hats and coats away, and sat down for the Lodge supper. Vicar enjoyed their company but kept an eye on the door anticipating Stempl's arrival. He hadn't seen Stempl for the last several years. Vicar had heard his health was declining and didn't attend Masonic functions anymore.

Dinner came and went and slowly the Craft filed into the Lodge room for the meeting. Just minutes before starting, the front door swung open and in came Stempl in a wheelchair pushed by his nephew who was also a Mason. The nephew dutifully wheeled his uncle into the Lodge room and set Stempl on the sidelines.

The Master and the officers marched in procession into the room and opened the Lodge. Following the normal reading of the minutes and treasurer's report, the Master ordered the Senior Deacon to present W:.Forrest Stempl east of the altar for the presentation of his 50 year pin and certificate. The Senior Deacon did as he was instructed and wheeled Stempl to the east. This was the first time Vicar could get a good look at Stempl, who was now a shadow of his old self. His clothes hung on his shrinking body and he appeared sullen.

Although the Worshipful Master was a young man, he was well aware of the friction between Vicar and Stempl from years ago and hoped there would be no disruption in the harmony of the meeting. He then went about making his presentation of the Masonic 50 year award, complete with Grand Honors. As the Master affixed the gold pin on Stempl's lapel, he noticed a tear forming in Stempl's eye. As is customary, he then asked Stempl if he had anything he wanted to say to the Craft to commemorate the moment.

"Yes, there is," Stempl said, "but first could you have Bro. Vicar join us here?"

Surprised, the Worshipful Master looked over at Vicar who was also startled by the request. He didn't know what Stempl was up to this time and was reluctant to come forward. But Stempl looked over at Vicar and said, "Please." The Master then directed the Senior Deacon to present Vicar to the east. Vicar was still unsure where this was going.

Once joined in the east, Stempl began by saying to the Craft, "I'm a very proud and private man. I have always relished my years in the fraternity and have always considered myself a proponent of it. Many of you may have noticed that I have been away from Lodge for a long time, so much so, that none of you younger Masons will probably remember me, but at one time I was very active in this Lodge. Although my health has been in decline for the last few years, this was not the reason. I worked a long time and recently retired, but it was not my job that kept me away either. Nor was it my wife or family. I haven't forgotten the words either, they are as fresh in my mind now as they were 50 years ago. No, the problem was simply me; I was ashamed to show my face in Lodge again."

Vicar and the Master glanced at each other surprised.

"There is an old saying my Brothers that 'we get too soon old and too late smart,'" Stempl continued, "As for me, it took me a little longer than other people. Years ago I committed a huge injustice against the Secretary here," as he pointed to Vicar. "I thought if I could discredit him I would be able to get the Lodge to listen to me instead of him. But even after I pressed Masonic charges against him, I found the Lodge Brothers respected and supported Bro. Vicar more than me. I had a hard time understanding this at first, as I was a much more senior member of the fraternity than he was. It was then that I realized it was I who was guilty of unMasonic conduct by allowing myself to fall prey to simple jealousy. My envy of Bro. Vicar was so great that I concocted a plot to assassinate his character. But as you can see, he is still here and I was not. I finally realized I had hurt a Brother, hurt my Lodge, and hurt the fraternity I love so much. Brothers, it was shame that kept me away. But then I received a letter from the Secretary here, and let me read it to you."

Stempl pulled a letter from inside his coat pocket and read it aloud, "Dear Bro. Stempl, On behalf of the officers and Brothers of Harmony Lodge I extend you fraternal greetings and am pleased to inform you that we have received your 50 year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge and we would like to present it to you at our next Stated Communications. On a personal note, I know we have had our differences over the years but I would be pleased if you would attend Lodge to receive your award. Brother, I wish you well and hope to see you soon. Sincerely and Fraternally, W:.Samuel Vicar, PM, Secretary."

"This last line from Bro. Vicar was more than I could handle. After everything I had done to him, he still called me Brother."

Stempl then wheeled himself closer to Vicar, took his hand, and looked up at him, "My Brother, can you ever find it in your heart to forgive an old fool? I am truly sorry for all of the problems I caused you over the years, how can I have been so foolish?" and he buried his face in Vicar's hand and wept.

None was more surprised by the outburst of emotion than Vicar as he cradled Stempl's head. Vicar looked down and him and quietly said, "My Brother, I do not know why we were so different, but we were. Maybe its because we come from different backgrounds or perhaps we simply had two different interpretations of what Freemasonry is all about. Understand this, I never bore you any ill-will, not years ago, not now. Of course I forgive you, you are my Brother."

Stempl regained his composure but didn't release his grip on Vicar's hand. Using his other hand, he reached over and took the 50 year pin from his lapel and put it in Vicar's hand. He then said, "My Brother, please do me the honor of accepting this pin as a sign of our new bond of friendship. And please wear it as a symbol that there should never be any contention in our Lodge, that we must always find ways to work together and that a rift such as ours should never again exist."

Although Vicar was at first reluctant to accept the pin, he saw the wisdom in Stempl's words and allowed Stempl to pin it on him. The Craft gave the two a standing ovation and there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

Stempl passed away two years later and Vicar was permitted to lead the Masonic service at his funeral. He proudly wore Stempl's 50 year pin to Lodge meetings for many years which reminded the Craft to respect each other. In 1974, Vicar finally received his own 50 year pin. He then had Stempl's pin framed and added a small bronze plaque underneath it which read, "From W:.Forrest Stempl, PM to W:.Samuel Vicar, PM - Brothers, let us never forget how to best work and best agree. Let us always seek Harmony. 1950."

Although Bro. Vicar past away in 1985, the plaque still hangs in the Lodge room as an important reminder to the Brethren. Since then, the story of the rift and reconciliation between the two Past Masters is retold each year at the Lodge's annual Christmas meeting so that every member be mindful of the cost of contention, as should we all.

Keep the Faith.

Author: Wor. Bro. Tim Bryce, Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
(reprinted with permission of the author and