West Roxbury-Dorchester Lodge A.F. & A.M.
It has often been said that America is the melting pot of the world. We could also make a very good argument that the Masonic Fraternity is the melting pot of all good men. We judge no man on his heritage, social standing or any other measure than is he a good person and does he have a belief in a supreme being. We at West Roxbury-Dorchester Lodge very much share those beliefs. West Roxbury-Dorchester Lodge has had a wide variety of men that have enjoyed the privilege of serving as the presiding officer of the Lodge. The Oriental Chair has had men of every variety of occupations from professional men to laborers to computer geniuses to mechanics and just about any other occupation you might name. We are a group of men that sincerely believe that it is our duty to try and leave this world a better place. We do our best to help those in need. We share in each others joys and try to help our Brothers through the tough times. We enjoy not only each others company but also any visitors from other Lodges that care to join us for the evening. We would invite you to join us on the First Wednesday of the month and share in our good will towards all.
Dorchester Lodge chartered in 1912.
West Roxbury Lodge chartered in 1919.
Merged in 1990.