Star of Bethlehem Lodge A.F. & A.M.
Star of Bethlehem was organized in 1843, in Chelsea. It had been 15 years since the Anti-Masonic Period, which started in 1826 and extended throughout the country. By the time our lodge was organized, people had begun to realize that a cruel injustice had been perpetrated and Masonry went on receive high respect instead of bitter hatred from the general public. Prosperity began, and men were anxious to join the order.
After a series of relocations, we moved to our current location at the Wakefield Masonic Building on June 15, 1977. We have supported Grand Lodge, the Overlook Masonic Home in Charlton, and countless other charitable organizations in our surrounding communities. Our lodge was been the recipient of the generosity of many of our members who have left behind generous legacies from which the Lodge still draws from in order to accomplish its goals and fund our activities.
It is impossible to list all the members who have rendered conspicuous service throughout our history. Nor is it proper to do so, for any service, large or small, has been and always will be valuable and rewarding. We look forward to any future members who come along that wish to add to our long and storied Lodge history moving forward.