Pequossette Lodge A.F. & A.M.
Pequossette Lodge A.F. & A.M. was duly constituted on Wednesday, December 23, 1857 by M.W. John T. Heard, Grand Master. The Lodge was started with just 19 chartered members. Wor. William Webster, the first Master of the Lodge, served a two year term. Bro. Webster was a High School Teacher and Principal of several schools, including Watertown High School.
Until 1869, the Lodge met on the Thursday evening on, or after, the full moon, in order to permit easier and safer traveling on the dark roads.
The strength and support of our Lodge is attributable to its people, the Past Masters, Officers and members. We are a strong lodge with membership at 150. We are proud to say our line of Officers is full, an attribute indicative of active membership.
We are a strongly bonded lodge and pride ourselves on the sincere brotherhood our members carry with themselves throughout their lives.