Mount Tom Lodge A.F. & A.M.
Mount Tom Lodge was established on March 14th, 1850 (the same date the city of Holyoke was incorporated as a town) when it was granted a Warrant from the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts. Our building was construct in 1920 and has hosted three Masonic lodges, the Order of the Eastern Star, Scottish Rite and York Rite bodies. The building has two lodge rooms, a library, pool room, banquet hall, and an extensive museum with many items of interest from the Masonic family.
The smaller lodge seats about 35 members comfortably and is used mainly for business meetings. The main lodge room is a large and beautiful space decorated as a Roman temple with columns and pillasters and a vaulted ceiling displaying a clouded canopy. Imbedded in the clouds, for the discerning eye, is a profile representing an image of Brother George Washington. The lighting system can be used to simulate a rising and setting sun and when the room is dark a night sky with twinkling stars can capture the imagination.
Mount Tom Lodge supports Kate's Kitchen and Margaret's Pantry, two organizations in Holyoke helping those in need, by monthly donations given by the members. We also support the local blood bank with participation by the members whenever there is a need.