The Meadows Lodge A.F. & A.M.
The Meadows Lodge was instituted on May 21, 2007 as a result of the merger of Charles C. Spellman Lodge and Longmeadow Lodge. The best traditions of both of those Lodges, dating back nearly 100 years, combined to make The Meadows Lodge the strong, vibrant, and active Lodge that it is today. Our majestic Lodge room is among the largest in Western Massachusetts, capable of seating 130 people. Downstairs, our equally large banquet hall hosts many district Masonic events throughout the year, as well as fundraisers and family oriented activities.
The officers of The Meadows Lodge maintain a reputation for impeccable ritual, respecting the need of the Fraternity to clearly communicate its lessons to new members. Our Brothers embrace the practice of mentoring new members and help them to find their place within the Fraternity.
In recent years our Lodge has been attracting younger members with an interest in community service. We offer many opportunities for those members to serve in that way. There are Masonic Youth Child Identification Programs (MYCHIP), blood drives, fundraisers for various charities, clothing and food drives, annual support of the local libraries' summer youth reading programs, and more. A spirit of service thrives among our members.
Younger and older members participate in the activities of The Meadows Lodge together. We understand that members from all walks of life have valuable insights to share. The opportunities for fellowship - enjoying a meal together before a meeting, working together as Lodge officers, serving together on community service projects - these are experiences which bind us together as Brothers. The Meadows Lodge gives its members the opportunity to have a fulfilling Masonic experience.