Macedonian Lodge A.F. & A.M.
Macedonian Lodge, instituted June 24, 1892 is a daughter Lodge of Norwood's Union Lodge, one of the original Paul Revere Lodges, past Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts, 1795-97. At present Macedonian Lodge is located in Hingham. Our membership averages around 100 Brothers. Approximately half or our membership permanently reside in the Quincy area. The membership is diverse in many ways with ages ranging from 19 to 92; ethnic backgrounds including Greek, Lebanese, Italian, Irish, Scottish; and a variety of professional backgrounds including electrical engineering, education, transportation, real estate, medicine and many more. Before moving to Hingham, Macedonian Lodge met in Quincy. Before Quincy, Macedonian Lodge was situated in Lower Mills, (Milton).
Our primary mission includes engaging in charity, instructing all Macedonian Lodge Masons in character development, inspiring Macedonian Lodge Masons to interact in their communities, work places and families in ways that are conspicuously mindful of our core Masonic values. Like many Masonic Lodges, Macedonian Lodge is in the midst of an exciting and challenging evolutionary process. We are adding many new members, reaching out to our member communities, supporting our own membership and developing a template for Masonry in the 21st century. Central to our continuing mission is our fundamental commitment to practice our Masonic tenets with an expanded Masonic family as we continue to make new Master Masons and operate our Lodge.