Charles River Lodge A.F. & A.M.
Charles River Lodge was instituted in Medway on April 11, 1871. The organizational meeting took place in Mechanic's Hall, a building still standing at the corner of Cottage and Main Street in West Medway.
The lodge was active throughout its early years when Medway was a thriving industrial center with bootshops, straw, and machine industries. After the departure of the shops, residential growth continued the lodge's prosperity and activity. Many members of Charles River Lodge have made their mark: Senators, Representatives to the Massachusetts General Court, and nearly every trade, profession, and business have been represented, along with municipal officials at the local level.
The temple the lodge meets in was purchased in 1930 and was dedicated to Masonic uses on April 1, 1931. Today, Charles River Lodge is a vibrant and active lodge supporting many local causes and activities. It draws members from Millis and Medfield as well as Medway and other neighboring communities.